When connecting to remote desktop from a PC you'll need to do the following:
- At the bottom left hand corner hit the magnifying glass (or press "Start")
- Type Remote and then select Remote Desktop Connection
- In the Computer box type RDC02
- Then click Show Options if nothing else is visible
- In the User name field type MCLEAN/username (first initial, last name)
- Check the "Allow me to save credentials" check box
- Click the Advanced tab
- Under Connect from anywhere, click Settings...
- Select "Use these RD Gateway server settings"
- In the Server name box type: rdc02.mcleanbible.org
- Place a check in "Bypass RD Gateway for local addresses"
- Place a check in "Use my RD Gateway credentials for the remote computer
- Click OK
14. Click Connect
15. For the password type in the same password you use to login to your MBC computer.
Note: You may have to do the above two steps twice.
You should now be connected to Remote Desktop where you can access Dynamic Budgets which will be a shortcut on the desktop